Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter

Tyler and I had a lot of fun decorating Easter Eggs on Wednesday. He was so excited to make Easter Eggs and hasn't stopped talking about it since. We started out with 12 eggs and as you can see by the pictures below we actually only decorated 6. Tyler was having too much fun with the other eggs as he thought they were golf balls.

Tyler was fascinated with the colored water
Trying to hold the eggs under his chin ~ he thought that was pretty funny.

Checking out all of his eggs

Tyler's favorite egg ~ he thinks it is a basketball since it is orange

Our decorated eggs ~ what a fun day!!
As I was decorating Easter Eggs with Tyler, I kept thinking about Easter Weekend and the true meaning of Easter. Yes, it was fun to decorate Eggs, but as Christians we have so much more to be thankful for ~ Christ dying on the cross to pay for our many sins.
We pray that you have a wonderful Easter Weekend. God Bless!!!