Welcome Mason Jay Rozenboom!!! Mason was born on March 26, 2010 weighing 8 lbs 9 0z and measured 21 1/4 inches long. He is a wonderful baby and we are thankful to God for this precious gift. Big Brother Tyler has adapted very well.
Here are a few pics of the last 3 weeks. They are in no particular order so here we go.
Easter Sunday ~ Mason 1 week old.
Uncle Corey, Aunt Holly, Avery, & Colten come to visit
Proud Great Grandpa and Grandma Kuiper
Mason ~ 3 days old
Ready to go home from the Hospital.
I love you Mason!!!
Proud Daddy!!
Big Brother Tyler & Mason
Grandpa & Grandma Kas
Grandpa & Grandma Rozenboom
Aunt Jen
Aunt Kelly