I first got to know Howard through State Farm and when Tyler was born Howard and his wife Jo Ann babysat Tyler for 2 1/2 years. Howard and Tyler were the best of buds and played many hours of basketball together while I was at work. Howard & JoAnn were like our family away from home. Howard would go above and beyond to help us out and will be greatly missed. Howard ~ we miss you and look forward to seeing you in Heaven some day.
Well, on a more positive note, we made a lot of great memories in July. Here is a summary:
The 4th of July was spent with Kevin's Family in Waterloo. We enjoyed a day at The Lost Island Waterpark along with our annual mini-golf tournament. Kevin was the winner this year so he was very happy about that. Tyler enjoyed mini-golfing as well and maybe someday he will be able to compete with his Daddy and win. :)
I only took one picture at the water park and that was of Tyler blowing bubbles. Not sure why I didn't take more pictures ~ totally not like me ~ but Kevin's Mom took a lot so I know where to find them.
Sunday July 5th we celebrated Kevin's Grandpa's 75th birthday. We surprised Grandpa by driving down for Sunday dinner. It was great to celebrate with him and spend time together as a family. Speaking of family, my cousin Michelle and her family stopped by Webster City for supper a couple of weeks ago. They were on their way to Des Moines so stopped by Webster City. It was great to see them again and it makes me so happy to have family come from back home.
Tyler & I have been spending lots of time outside. He got a Big Wheels for Christmas and loves to ride it around the block. Below is a picture ~ full of smiles.
The following Saturday we went to my sister Kelly's in Fairmont. My parents brought the boat and we had a wonderful time boating, water-skiing, kayaking, and tubing.
My sister Jennifer & her boyfriend Todd kayaking
Tyler driving Grandpa's truck with Daddy ~ he loves looking out the window at Grandpa's boat.
Tyler tubing for the first time. He loved it!!!
The week after that Kevin was in Springfield, Illinois for work. Tyler missed his Daddy greatly so it was kind of a long week, but everything went well. During that week I had a chance to meet my college friend Heather for lunch and a little shopping. Tyler played with Cousin Avery while I met Heather and had a blast. Thanks Holly for watching Tyler and thanks Heather for a fun day.
New Coop's summer outing this year was to an Iowa Cubs game and to Adventureland. The weather was really cool, but we still had lots of fun. I will post pictures of Adventurland on another post because my computer is being very slow tonight. Tyler loved the rides and I am very thankful to report that he doesn't get motion sick like his Mommy. Praise the Lord!!!
Last week was the Hamilton County Fair so we enjoyed the Fair Parade and a couple nights at the Fair with some friends. Tyler loved the animals this year so that was really neat ~ he especially liked the sheep.
Well, I think that pretty much sums up the month of July. I will try to get Adventureland pictures posted asap. I am tired tonight after a wonderful day of shopping at the outlet mall in Medford with my Mom and sister. Got lots of good deals!!!
Enjoy the rest of your summer and thanks for checking in on our family.