Tyler had dental surgery this morning at Mercy Hospital in Des Moines. Surgery went as planned and and lasted about 90 minutes. Tyler did a great job ~ when it was time to go to the operating room the nurses took him back in a little red wagon & he didn't even cry. Kevin & I were so proud of him. I on the other hand had a little harder time ~ it was very hard to watch him go into the surgery room.
After surgery we were in the recovery room for about 45 minutes. Kevin & I couldn't go back until he was fully awake. We were so thankful that he didn't get sick and we were able to be released rather quickly.
Tyler is doing good for the most part. He is on pain medication and we can tell when it's time for more. Other than that he is drinking, eating, and playing with his toys. His mouth and gums are very swollen, but that should be better by early next week. For the time being he is limited to soft foods so his diet today consisted of Mac & Cheese, Peaches, and Popsicles.
Kevin & I are so thankful that surgery is behind us and everything went well. We thank God for watching over us today and pray that Tyler's mouth continues to heal.
Tyler is about ready for his pain medication again and then I think we are all going to bed. We are exhausted as we left Webster City at 5:00 this morning.
Thanks for all your prayers ~ it is great to have such wonderful family and friends.
3 Years In-- Still Finding Joy
8 years ago